Current Issue

Issue: 9, 2/28/25

Year: 2025
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem EKTİ Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Linguistics, Language Studies (Other), Language Studies
Language Studies (Other), Language Studies

Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies as a Foreign Language, which has been published since 2014 Summer term, is a refereed, periodic and local journal. The aim of the Journal is to encourage the studies in the field of teaching Turkish as a foreign language and share the results and the discussed-created methods of the scientific works with the science environment in a very short time. The Journal whose abbreviation is HUYDOTAD, published once a year as Winter issue.

Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies as a Foreign Language foreign language teaching, teaching Turkish as a foreign language, Turkish teaching methods and approaches, materials in foreign language teaching development, linguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics, comparative language research, Turkish language and literature, includes theoretical and/or applied research and investigations.

General Rules

Contact: Authors should make all kinds of communications with the following address:

Hacettepe University

Institue of Turkish Studies

Beytepe Campus 06532 Ankara

Tel: + 90.312.2977182 / 2976771

Fax: + 90.312.2977171

E-mail: /


The Points to be Considered by the Authors

The articles should be sent to the address The authors should indicate their affiliation, titles, contact information and ORCID number at the bottom of first page of articles. The type fonts (PC –compliant) used in the texts that consist of special translation writings should be added to the e-mail message.

It’s essential that the articles sent to HUYDOTAD have not been previously published or should not be sent to another media organ. The notices presented in a scientific convention can be accepted under the condition that they will be separately stated and have not been published before.

Title: It should not be over 12 words, should be written with bold and capital letters, the words equaled to the second language should be included in advance of the English abstract with bold and small letters whose initials are to be capitals.

Author’s Name: The name with the surname in bold and italic capitals should be written in the middle under the title.

Abstract: It should be prepared at least between 100 and 200 words and in a way that reflects the article’s content. In the abstract, there should not be any quotation, source material, form, chart etc.. Two abstracts should be written in both Turkish and English for each article; however, if the articles have been prepared in a different language apart from these languages, there should be a third abstract in relevant language. The abstracts should be the same as one another in terms of the content.

Key words: At least 5, at most 10 key words are to be given following the abstract. The key words should be written in Turkish, English and in a third language if any.

Article Text: The texts should be typed on the papers whose width is 16,5 cm and height is 23,5 cm in a single-spaced way and with 11 point size, and there should be a 2cm space from the page sides and page number is to be given beginning from the second page (considering the title page as the first page). The texts should not include words more than 10.000 and they should be typed through the MS Word program and with Times New Roman or another typeface similar to it. At the beginning of the paragraphs the tab key and between the paragraphs the enter key should not be used.

Citation/Bibliography: Citation for quotations and references should be shown using the short citation system in the text, in other words (Tekin, 1988, s. 68), (Davletov, 2008, ss. 83-85), not in a footnote style and the bibliography should be arranged at the end of the article in alphabetical order and with the whole tag. When electronic source materials are used, the date accessed should definitely be indicated.

For Article

Çınar, B. (2008). Teşbih (Benzetme) Sanatına Dilbilimsel Bir Yaklaşım. Modern Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5 (1), 129-142.

For Books

Gülsevin, G. (1997). Eski Anadolu Türkçesinde Ekler. Ankara: TDK.

Eckmann, J. (2003). Çağatayca. O. F. Sertkaya (Ed.), Harezm, Kıpçak ve Çağatay Türkçesi Üzerine Araştırmalar. Ankara: TDK.

Translated Books

Assman, J. (2001). Kültürel Bellek (A. Tekin, Trans.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Publishing.

Books in a Foreign Language

Dadrian, V.N. (2004). The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. the USA: Berghahn Books.

Part from Edited Books

McGowan, B. (1995). The Age of The Âyâns, 1699-1812. An Economic and Social History of The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914, (H. İnalcık and D. Quataert, Ed.) (ss. 639-757). Cambridge.

For Master and PhD Thesis

Üstündağ, N. (2004). Osmanlı Toplum ve Devlet Yapısının Dönüşümü Sürecinde Balkanlarda Âyanlık (XVII.-XVIII. Yüzyıllar). Unpublished Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara.

Elektronic Sources

Atasözleri ve Deyimler Sözlüğü. TDK, retrieved: 23 July 2012

Quotations: Three-lined and less quotations should be given between the lines and in inverted commas whereas the quotations longer than three line should be written by leaving 1 cm from both right and left sides of the line, in a block with point size 10 and in a single-spaced way.

Footnote: The statements apart from the citation which have a direct connection with the article’s main topic, can be made through footnote beginning from the first number. The footnotes should be written in point size 10 and on the page that they are given.

Tables and Graphics: Each table should have a table number and a title including its name. If it’s necessary, the explanations for the symbols should be shown right under the table. The graphic explanations should be numbered and arranged in order. The tables and the graphics that are prepared should not exceed the signified page sizes and they should be properly put in the sections that they will take place in the text.

It is required that the pictures to be published should be the professional drawings or photographs. The number of graphics, the author and the ‘topic’ should be clearly pointed out following the each graphic. Their last resolution is to be 300dpi and line drawings should be 800-1200 dpi after giving the sizes of the two-colored-white/black- and colorful pictures in the electronic environment. The pictures added to the article are required to be in the .gif and .jpeg formate.

Language and Writing

The language of Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies as a Foreign Language is Turkish of Turkey, but as long as the Editorial Board finds it acceptable, the articles in particularly Turkic Languages, and English, French, German and Russian are allowed to take place in the one third of the journal. The articles written in Turkish of Turkey ought to be befitted to Spelling Dictionary by Turkish Language Agency in terms of spelling rules.


The author agrees that he/she has transferred the copyright of his/her published article to Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies as a Foreign Language. The complete or a part of the articles that are published in the journal can not be copied without the written permission of the publisher. The writings, pictures and shapes can be quoted by the third parties provided that they will give reference. Enabling permission for the copy of the pictures, tables, shapes and etc. are in the author’s responsibility.


Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies as a Foreign Language is a peer-reviewed, periodical and international journal that accepts original, theoretical and/or applied research and review articles produced with an interdisciplinary approach on language, history, geography, art, literature, social, economic, political and cultural issues related to the Turkish world from past to present. Abbreviated as HÜYDOTAD, the journal adopts the Committee on Publication Ethics' (COPE) "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers". For COPE's "Core Practices" document, see
Authors Submitting Papers for Publication in HUTAD Must Meet the Following ETHICAL PRINCIPLES
1- Originality: The submitted work must be entirely the work of the author(s) in terms of main idea, expression and style. If other researchers' works are included in the article by direct or indirect quotation, it is obligatory to give this in accordance with the APA referencing style detailed in the journal's publication principles, and these works must be listed in the references.
2- Plagiarism-Free: The author's use of direct or indirect long/short quotations or repetitions of ideas, sentences, visual materials, tables, graphics, figures, maps, etc. from other researches or previous works of their own done without referencing the printed or digital material, is considered plagiarism. Authors should strictly avoid this. Plagiarism is a violation of ethics, regardless of whether it is intentional or not. It is not only unethical but also a crime and unacceptable if the articles are similar to other sources without reference and submitted for publication in this form.
Articles submitted to the journal are checked with a plagiarism prevention software, Turnit-in. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 10% are not evaluated.
The Editorial Board acts in accordance with COPE rules in the face of allegations and suspicions of plagiarism, citation manipulation and data falsification regarding the articles submitted to the journal.
3- Ethics Committee Permission and Approval: Ethics committee permission must be obtained in advance for all kinds of surveys, scales, interviews, observations, etc. applied in areas such as qualitative research and oral history. Evidence of sensitivity to ethical issues during the data collection process (such as obtaining permission to use scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others) should be presented in the study. The name, date and number of the Ethics Committee should be included on the method and first/last page of the article.
Non-university member researchers can apply to the Ethics Committees in their region.
4- Resubmission of a Published Publication: The articles submitted to HÜYDOTAD must not have been previously published in any form (in print or digital media). Submitting an article submitted to HÜYDOTAD to another journal without permission or notice is a violation of ethical rules and is unacceptable.
5- Slicing: It is ethically inappropriate for authors to transform the results of a research into more than one publication by inappropriately slicing the results of a research into parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research which will compromise the originality of the study and be repetitive.
6- Presentation and Storage of Raw Data: Authors are obliged to submit the raw data of their research when requested by the editors and reviewers and to keep these data even after the publication of their articles.
7- Error Detection in Published Articles: When an author detects a significant error or inaccuracy in their article published in HÜYDOTAD, they must immediately notify the journal editor and cooperate with the editor to withdraw or correct the article.
8- Forgery: Using non-existent or altered data in scientific research is forgery and it is a criminal offense under the law.
9- Falsification: It is a crime to falsify research records or data obtained, to show devices or materials that were not used in the research as if they were used, to falsify or alter the results of the research in line with the interests of the people and organizations supported.
10- Improper Authorship: It is a violation of intellectual property rights to include people who do not have active contributions among the authors or not to include people who do, to change the author ranking in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, to remove the names of those who have active contributions from the work in subsequent editions, to use their influence to have their names included among the authors even though they do not have active contributions.
11- Declaration of Support: Authors are required to indicate the persons, institutions or organizations that provide support and their contributions in the publications resulting from the supported research. Misusing resources, spaces, facilities, and devices allocated for scientific research constitutes an ethical violation.
12- Citation of Unpublished Work: Authors may not use theses, research or studies that have not yet been presented or defended without the permission of the owner. Such citations must also be made with the permission of the owner or by citing a reference.
13- Acknowledgments: Authors are obliged to declare the organizations and financial resources, if any, that support their research and studies in the "Acknowledgments" section of their work.
The Editorial Board may act in accordance with COPE rules in the face of allegations and suspicions of plagiarism, citation manipulation and data falsification regarding the articles submitted to the journal.
Copyright Transfer
Authors must agree to waive the copyright of their work and transfer the copyright of their work to the Institute of Turkish Studies upon submission for evaluation. This transfer becomes binding upon manuscript acceptance for publication. No part of the published material may be used elsewhere without the written permission of the Institute of Turkish Studies.
The authors reserve all unregistered rights other than patents and copyrights. They have the right to reproduce the work for their own purposes provided that they do not sell the work, the right to use all or part of the work in the author's own books and other academic works, provided that the author cites the source, and the right to keep the work on their personal websites or in the open archive of their university, provided that they specify the work's source.
Authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder when using previously published content, including supplementary images, tables or any other content in printed or electronic format. The legal, financial and criminal responsibility in this regard belongs to the authors.
Authors submitting a manuscript to our journal must fill in the "Copyright Transfer" form and sign it with a wet signature. The signed form should be scanned and sent to the journal via e-mail.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of the Editors
Editors must act in a balanced, objective and fair manner in fulfilling its duties without discrimination on the basis of gender, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.
They must evaluate the submitted works according to their content and not show privilege to any author.
They must take the necessary measures to prevent potential conflicts of interest and evaluate existing statements, if any.
They must treat sponsored studies or studies on special topics in the same way as other studies.
In the event of a complaint of ethical violation, they must implement the necessary procedures, adhering to the journal's policies and procedures. They must give the authors an opportunity to respond to the complaint, and take the necessary sanctions regardless of who the work belongs to.
They must reject the incoming work if it is not suitable for the purpose and scope of the journal.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Reviewers
Reviewers must objectively review the work in a timely manner to contribute to the editor's decision-making process and agree to evaluate only work related to his/her area of expertise.
They must evaluate objectively only in relation to the content of the work. They must conduct the evaluation without political and economic interests.
They must provide guidance to help improve the quality of the article to be published and review the work meticulously. They must convey comments to the author in a constructive and polite manner.
They must protect the confidentiality of information provided by editors and authors, evaluate the reviewed work in accordance with the principle of confidentiality, notify the editor of any situation contrary to blind peer review, and refrain from evaluating the work.
They must be aware of potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative, or other relationships between the authors) and, if necessary, they must alert the editor to withdraw their assistance.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
The publisher, one of the stakeholders involved in a scientific study, should also act within the scope of all these ethical principles.
The publisher is obligated to use its communication power without any self-interest and to guide its target audience correctly.
It protects the ownership and copyright of every work published within its organization and undertakes the task of archiving every published product.
Individuals should not hesitate to contact the publisher when they encounter an unethical situation.
Conflict of Interest
Conflicts of interest arise when there is an economic or a personal benefit. The credibility of the scientific process and published articles is directly related to the objective handling of conflicts of interest during the planning, implementation, writing, evaluation, editing and publication of scientific work.
Financial relationships are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and inevitably undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors and the science. These conflicts can arise from personal relationships, academic competition or intellectual attitudes. Authors should avoid, as much as possible, entering into agreements with sponsors, both for-profit and non-profit, that restrict access to all data of the study or interfere with their ability to analyze and interpret data, prepare articles, publish, etc.
To avoid conflicts of interest, editors should avoid bringing together people with whom they may have any relationship during the evaluation of submitted works. Editors who make the final decision on articles should also have no personal, professional or financial ties with any of the subjects they are deciding on. Individuals should inform the editorial board about possible conflicts of interest so that articles can be evaluated within the framework of ethical principles and an independent process can be carried out.

The article submission process of Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Araştırmaları Dergisi is free of charge.

Hacettepe University Institute of Turkish Studies
06532 Beytepe / Ankara
Phone: +90 312 297 67 71 / +90 312 297 67 72
Fax: +90 0312 297 71 71

Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies as a Foreign Language (HUYDOTAD): +90 312 297 71 82